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Give Online

Online Giving

There are several different ways that you can give to the ministry work of Evangel Church.  We appreciate your support and generous giving! For all giving, you will receive a receipt for income tax purposes at the end of the fiscal year. If you would like offering envelopes please email with this request.

ONLINE GIVING - We welcome online giving directly through our website.  This form of giving allows you to designate your gift to one of a few key areas of need within our Church.  If you would like to give to more than one area, it will require you to make two separate donations.  (Click on the black debit box to the left.)

E-TRANSFER - You can give by e-transfer whether at home, at work, or in the Church service. Simply go to your personal online banking page, select the e-transfer option, and transfer your offering to

TRADITIONAL GIVING THROUGH CHURCH OFFERING - You can give in person at one of our services, using offering envelopes to indicate any specific designation for your gift.

GIVING THROUGH DEBIT TRANSACTION - You can use the debit machine that is located just outside our library in the church foyer.